What Top Leaders Are Saying About Leadership

What’s the most important skill in leadership? Is it trust, communication, empathy, or relationships? One thing is for sure—leadership is more than a title.

Top businesses know good leadership is important at all levels of an organization to have success. At BigSpeak Speakers Bureau, the top leadership speakers are all experienced leaders—generals, CEOs, bestselling authors, and difference makers. 

Here is what the top leadership speakers are saying they have learned about leadership.

Good leaders build trust.

According to Thomas Kolditz, a retired Brigadier General and Founding Executive Director of the Doerr Institute for New Leaders, trust is the only way leaders can lead in times of uncertainty. And one way you can build trust with your team is by owning your failures.

Good leaders show empathy.

According to Bill Benjamin, an emotional intelligence expert and contributor to the New York Times bestseller Performing Under Pressure, when leaders show empathy for their employees, they are more willing to step in with new ideas and take risks.

Good leaders are good listeners.

According to Omar Johnson, the founder of ØPUS United and mastermind behind Beats by Dre’s rise to a $2 billion category leader, a leader’s job is to communicate, but more importantly, it is to listen. Leaders must listen to their employees, their customers, and their colleagues in order to lead well.

Good leaders have a moral compass.

According to Jonathan Reckford, the chief executive officer of Habitat for Humanity International, good leaders need three things: ambition, competence, and a moral compass. If you are missing one, you can’t be a good leader.

Good leaders foster relationships.

According to Jennifer Prince, the Chief Commercial Officer of the Super Bowl Champion Los Angeles Rams, leading teams is about building relationships and fostering trust. By building good relationships, you can expand your network and get things done.

Good leaders align their teams.

According to Gregory Robinson, a 33-year veteran of NASA and former director of the James Webb Space Telescope, good leaders align their teams from the bottom to the top. The way to align teams is to make sure everyone is on the same page about what they are trying to accomplish, who the customer is, and how to communicate with each other.

Good leaders empower people.

According to Tiana S. Clark, the “Audacious Commander” and founder of the Audacious Academy, leadership is about power and how you wield it—so you can empower yourself and then empower others. One way you can empower your team is by giving them the freedom to make decisions—and to make mistakes.

If you’re interested in learning more about leadership from a top leadership keynote speaker, contact BigSpeak Speakers Bureau today.

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