Top AI Speaker Insights

Did you know 77% of companies are either using AI or experimenting with the use of AI in their businesses? AI is the new driving force in business, with the potential to take over repetitive tasks so your employees can concentrate on the work you really love to do. So what does your company need to know in this new AI world?

At BigSpeak Speakers Bureau, we work with some of the top Artificial Intelligence Keynote Speakers in the business. These AI experts have worked at OpenAI, founded companies like Siri, or written books on AI. Here are some of the AI ideas that they are sharing with businesses.

1) Optimize for human qualities.

With machine learning and generative AI taking over some tasks, the best way for humans to stay relevant in business is to optimize for human qualities, says Zack Kass, the Former Head of GTM for OpenAI. He suggests companies focus on the qualities that AI cannot replicate, such as empathy, vision, courage, wisdom, and curiosity.

2) Solve wicked problems.

With AI’s potential to augment human abilities, businesses that use AI will outperform businesses that do not use AI, says Adam Cheyer, the co-founder of Siri. Moreover, AI will be able to help companies and governments tackle wicked problems like hunger, poverty, disease, and more.

3) Create better stories.

Generative AI has taken the world by storm with its ability to write human-like content. While AI isn’t going to replace human storytellers just yet, it will enhance humans’ ability to generate ideas to create better stories, says Matthew Luhn, a 25-year veteran of Disney/Pixar who worked on Toy Story, Monsters Inc., Ratatouille, and more.

4) Use human decision-makers.

AI is great at finding the most popular content, and it can help you find trends. However, it is not as good at predicting what will be popular, says AI thought leader Swan Sit. You will still need humans to find the next big thing.

5) Watch out for bias.

The problem with AI is that it’s only as good as the data used to train it. If bias goes into the data, bias will come out. That’s why companies need to put guardrails in place to prevent bias, says Michelle K. Lee, a former executive at Google and current CEO of Obsidian Strategies (“Architects for AI-Driven Strategies”).

If you would like to gain more AI insights for your business, contact BigSpeak Speakers Bureau to book one of the top AI keynote speakers

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