Top 5 Speakers to Watch: Inspiring Voices of Today

The speaking circuit is brimming with dynamic voices ready to inspire and lead. Among them, there are five individuals we’d like to spotlight this month for their unique contributions and insights. Discover these experts on cybersecurity, marketing, AI, motivation and perseverance—who knows, they might be the perfect fit for your next event, meeting or conference! 

Eric O’Neill: Cybersecurity Insight

Eric O’Neill, a former FBI operative, captivates audiences with his gripping narratives and deep expertise in cybersecurity. Renowned for his role in capturing a notorious spy, O’Neill now shares crucial lessons on digital security, making him an indispensable speaker in our increasingly tech-driven world.

“Eric goes out of his way to ensure his talk is aligned with your event goals, theme, and audience makeup. He asked the right questions in our pre-event brief, and customized his content to meet our needs. The feedback we received from our attendees was outstanding and we look forward to working with Eric again in the future.” – Justin, Dir of Mktg for N.A., Egress

Marcus Collins: Marketing Visionary

Marcus Collins effortlessly bridges the gap between academic theory and marketing practice. His roles at TikTok and contributions to leading publications showcase his innovative approach to consumer behavior and brand strategy. Collins is a sought-after speaker for those wanting to leverage cultural trends to enhance business success.

“Marcus is not only an expert storyteller but a captivating speaker. As we continue engaging in virtual conversations and events, Marcus has the gift of energizing the room as if he were in person. He is dynamic, thoughtful, and beyond fun! You walk away with so much knowledge and a new way to see the world!” – Ashley, Snyk 

Kay Firth-Butterfield: AI Ethics Advocate

As a leading authority in AI governance, Kay Firth-Butterfield tackles the ethical challenges posed by technological advancements. Her work emphasizes the creation of frameworks to guide AI development responsibly, ensuring technology benefits society. Her insights are essential for anyone navigating the intersection of innovation and ethical responsibility.

“Kay’s deep and broad knowledge of AI allowed Kay to raise a lot of awareness and to provide insight into how enterprises should respond to the questions raised by AI, both for AI created by technology companies or AI procured by enterprises in all industry sectors” – Christian K., Head of International Legal 

Sebastian Terry: Motivational Trailblazer

Sebastian Terry transformed a personal list of 100 life goals into a global movement. His talks, filled with humor and heart, inspire audiences to chase their dreams and live authentically. Terry’s journey encourages individuals to take actionable steps toward personal fulfillment and happiness. 

“In all my years of booking and watching the world’s top speakers on stage, I’ve never seen a standing ovation occur after only 5 mins. Well done, Seb.” – Rich G., Former IASB President

Diana Nyad: Perseverance Personified

Diana Nyad, a legendary long-distance swimmer, is celebrated for her historic 110-mile swim from Cuba to Florida without a shark cage. Nyad’s story is one of unparalleled perseverance and determination. As a motivational speaker, she captivates audiences with her tales of enduring hardship and achieving the seemingly impossible, proving that with resilience, any challenge can be overcome.

“I literally went through a roller coaster of emotions listening to her speak. In my opinion, she is the most inspirational speaker I’ve ever listened to. Also, as we all know there are two parts to any speech: content and delivery. She nailed both!” – Bank of America

Interested in one of these game-changing speakers? Email BigSpeak to inquire today at