Diamandis is the New York Times bestselling author of “ABUNDANCE – The Future Is Better Than You Think” (#1 on Amazon, #2 on NYTimes). In Abundance, and his newest book “AGE OF ABUNDANCE” (out in mid-2024), Diamandis shows us how technology is turning areas of ...
Diamandis is the New York Times bestselling author of “ABUNDANCE – The Future Is Better Than You Think” (#1 on Amazon, #2 on NYTimes). In Abundance, and his newest book “AGE OF ABUNDANCE” (out in mid-2024), Diamandis shows us how technology is turning areas of scarcity into abundance. This bold, contrarian view, backed up by exhaustive research, introduces our near-term future, where exponentially growing technologies (AI, Robotics, Sensors, Networks, 3D Printing, Synthetic Biology, etc.) and the power of the crowd are converging to better the lives of billions.
This keynote is an antidote to pessimism. Diamandis examines human need by category — water, food, energy, healthcare, education, communication and freedom — and shows the audience detailed evidence on the revolutionary improvements in these areas over the past century. He addresses how a range of exponential technologies are transforming what was once scarce into abundance. Humanity’s grandest challenge is providing abundance, and this keynote addresses how we rise to meet it.
Diamandis brings to light a refreshing narrative: the world’s alarming headlines are outpaced by positive trend lines. Extreme poverty is down. The health care is improving dramatically around the world. There are developments now which make me believe we might be able to do what we did in the 1990s, which is to use technological developments to create more jobs than we lose.”
In this era of rapid change and uncertainty, Dr. Diamandis offers a beacon of hope, a blueprint for a bountiful future, and a strategic guide for those ready to lead the charge. Embrace the opportunity to inspire your organization with a vision that transcends the status quo, turning the tide from scarcity to abundance.
This presentation will help you:
- Navigate the “exponential road ahead,” grasping the trajectory of transformative technologies and the immense potential they hold.
- Champion a shift from scarcity to abundance, embodying leadership that radiates confidence and optimism for the future.
- Transform the world’s most daunting challenges into unparalleled business opportunities, leading the charge in the era of abundance.
- Harness exponential technologies like AI, Robotics, and Synthetic Biology to catalyze positive change on a global scale.
- Embrace crowdsourcing as a powerful tool to innovate, solve pressing problems, and democratize access to solutions.
- Recognize and seize the potential for exponential growth in sectors critical to human progress.
- Cultivate a mindset of abundance that transcends traditional business models and enables groundbreaking strategic thinking.