- Learn why the book “The Advantage” has been a runaway bestseller. Most organizations are “smart” i.e. good at strategy, technology, finance, partnerships, etc. In spite of this most organizations struggle with politics and confusion. In short, they are “smart” but not “healthy”. They lack the true executive cohesion and clarity to effectively tap into all there smarts. We can help you learn, develop, and execute the four disciplines of a Healthy Organization in a way that you, your employees will embrace and enjoy…..and your competitors will envy.
- Build Highly Cohesive and Performance Teams. Can you truly say members of your leadership teams trust each other? Do they openly disagree with each other in healthy debate or instead conduct back channel discussion to complete their agenda. Ever attend a meeting and think to yourself “I thought we decided this 3 months ago?”. These symptoms are signs that a team is suffering from dysfunction. We’ll show you practical, non-touchy, feely solutions to the issues that are proven to bring results in short order.
- Create Organizational Clarity that actually adds value. In the 80’s consultants inflected us with massive mission statements, vision documents and core values which no one really knows and are best nice decorations on our walls. Organizational Clarity was not meant to be pedantic but transformative. In answering Six Critical Questions (which is not a quick, thoughtless exercise), we’ll demonstrate how to add institutional value through your culture and immediate impact to your bottom line. This is not your fathers “Mission Statement”.
“Pat Richie is a gifted thinker and speaker. In my 16 year association with the NFL, I was both challenged and encouraged by Pat.”