Everyone Owns the Result: How Leaders Can Instill Accountability from Top to Bottom
Every time someone in your organization engages in unaccountable behavior, there is a cost. You waste time. You waste money. You move further away from the results you need. If everyone in your organization isn’t fully accountable, who’s accountable for that? When we ...
Every time someone in your organization engages in unaccountable behavior, there is a cost. You waste time. You waste money. You move further away from the results you need. If everyone in your organization isn’t fully accountable, who’s accountable for that? When we make agreements with each other to be fully accountable, we are all leaders.
Using the key principles of accountability outlined in The 85% Solution, this presentation shows leaders (and everyone is a leader) how to teach and model personal accountability. You will learn to:
- Understand what accountability is and the benefits it produces
- Measure exactly how accountable your organization is
- Identify unaccountable behaviors in your organization and learn how to STOP them
- Outline what your accountable organization looks, sounds and feels like
- Learn the key agreements that people within organizations must make with each other to instill complete accountability from top to bottom