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Entrepreneur, Investor, & Author
Lars Tvede Keynote Speaker Fee Fee range is for U.S. events, depending on location and organization type
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Lars Tvede Keynote Speaker Fee Fee range is for U.S. events, depending on location and organization type
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Lars Tvede is a Danish citizen who has lived in Switzerland for several decades now. He holds a Master’s degree in Engineering and a Bachelor’s degree in International Commerce, and he is also a certified derivatives trader from National Futures Association in Chicago. His 15 books have been published in 11 languages and more than 50 editions.
He spent 11 years in portfolio management and investment banking before moving to the high-tech and telecommunications industries in the mid-1990s, where he was a co-founder of several technology companies, which have won various international awards, including the Red Herring Global 100 Award, the Bully Award and the Wall Street Europe Innovation Award. He is also founder of Beluga, a successful financial trading company, advisor to a Swiss hedge fund and strategic partner in the Nordic-American venture capital fund Nordic Eye.
He has been listed in The Guru Guide to Marketing as one of the Worlds 62 leading thinkers of marketing strategy and has appeared on media hundreds of times, including as guest host on CNBC and TEDTalks speaker.