Dr. Ariel Cohen

Geopolitical Expert, Managing Director of Energy, Growth, and Security Program at the International Tax and Investment Center, Nonresident Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council, Founder of International Market Analysis

Dr. Ariel Cohen, L.L.B., Ph.D., is a distinguished geopolitical keynote speaker, Fortune 500 consultant, thought leader, and author. He has published over 1000 articles, frequently briefs the US government, and is a regular guest commentator on CNN, FOX, BBC, and Al Jazeera. He frequently speaks on energy policy, political and security risk management, economic development, market entry strategies, and other aspects of state/business relations.

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    Washington DC, USA

  • Dr. Ariel Cohen Keynote Speaker Fee Fee range is for U.S. events, depending on location and organization type

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    Washington DC, USA

Suggested Keynote Speaker Programs


Today, many companies face serious geopolitical challenges that may affect their bottom line. It could be Houthi rebels shutting down the Red Sea shipping lanes, Iran potentially mining the Strait of Hormuz, Russia potentially attacking Poland, or China eyeing an invasion of ...

Today, many companies face serious geopolitical challenges that may affect their bottom line. It could be Houthi rebels shutting down the Red Sea shipping lanes, Iran potentially mining the Strait of Hormuz, Russia potentially attacking Poland, or China eyeing an invasion of Taiwan. So how can you prepare? Chanceries, militaries, intelligence services, and think tanks use war games to simulate strategic challenges. War game methodology can be applied in government, think tanks, or corporate settings to challenge long-term assumptions and inform routine and crisis management decision-making. Dr. Cohen will devise the geopolitical scenario, moderating and facilitating the game and the post-game discussion, while clients organize into teams to represent the various actors in the game. The results can help participants consider, better understand, and adapt to political risk realities beyond their immediate control, whether the area of concern is investing, plant and operations expansion, or friend-shoring.

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Crisis Management Workshop

Crisis management is an invaluable skill for any private or public actor. However, the bureaucratic dynamics of large internal business organizations often stifle effective contingency planning. Dr. Cohen will custom-design an industry-specific crisis management workshop that ...

Crisis management is an invaluable skill for any private or public actor. However, the bureaucratic dynamics of large internal business organizations often stifle effective contingency planning. Dr. Cohen will custom-design an industry-specific crisis management workshop that leverages his decades of experience as a top-level international security expert. The workshop will include research and preparation of briefing materials, brainstorming, and proposing and debating solutions and pathways to resolve and minimize/control damage to the corporation.

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Future of Energy Workshop

The transformation of energy—the economic lifeline and foundation of the world economy—will impact every public and private actor. Dr. Cohen’s decades of experience in the energy field, advising corporations, governments, and Congress, as well as work spanning everything...

The transformation of energy—the economic lifeline and foundation of the world economy—will impact every public and private actor. Dr. Cohen’s decades of experience in the energy field, advising corporations, governments, and Congress, as well as work spanning everything from traditional hydrocarbons to the cutting edge of the green revolution and nuclear energy, can be used to inform public and private sector participants. Client-focused, tailor-made workshops will demonstrate how the future of energy will likely unfold and how actors in the client’s industry will be impacted. They will also determine how the client can better prepare for and insulate against future shocks.

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Final Investment Decision Workshop

The final decision on whether to invest is one of the most important decisions any public or private Board and CEO will make. Especially when the decision is in an expensive, often front-loaded, and unrecoverable strategic asset—such as a piece of critical infrastructure, ...

The final decision on whether to invest is one of the most important decisions any public or private Board and CEO will make. Especially when the decision is in an expensive, often front-loaded, and unrecoverable strategic asset—such as a piece of critical infrastructure, pipeline, Liquified Natural Gas train, port, or oil or gas field. The stakes are often so high that they can lead to paralysis in even the best organizations. Dr. Cohen has worked with various actors to provide independent research and analysis and understand and judge strategic risks in vital investment decisions. Through an individually tailored political risk analysis benefiting from Dr. Cohen’s decades of expertise, the potential opportunities and costs of geopolitical developments that can impact the proposed investment plan will be carefully evaluated and clarified for top management and the Board. Based on that exercise, top-level participants will be able to move forward with more confident and informed decision-making.

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About Keynote Speaker Dr. Ariel Cohen

Dr. Ariel Cohen, L.L.B., Ph.D., is a distinguished geopolitical keynote speaker internationally recognized for his expertise in energy policy, Russia/Eurasia, Eastern and Central Europe, and the Middle East. His authority extends to political and security risk management, economic development, investment policy, the rule of law, crime and corruption, market entry strategies, and other aspects of state/business relations.

Dr. Cohen has conducted White House briefings and given lectures at the U.S. Department of State, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Central Intelligence Agency, and Defense Intelligence Agency. He regularly testifies before committees of the U.S. Congress, including the Senate and House Foreign Relations Committees, House Armed Services Committee, House Judiciary Committee, and Helsinki Commission. 

Dr. Cohen also regularly consults for Fortune 500 companies and international law firms. He has assisted clients in risk assessment, risk management, market assessment and entry, strategic partnerships, and oil and gas technology evaluations. Dr. Cohen’s work spans many industries, including petroleum, telecommunications, transportation, and media. He has specific expertise in oil and gas mid-stream technologies, including GTL and LNG. 

Dr. Cohen has authored seven books and monographs, published over 1,000 articles, and is a columnist for Forbes. His guest columns have appeared in the New York Times, International Herald Tribune, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, and The Washington Times. He regularly appears on CNN, NBC, CBS, NPR, Bloomberg News, FOX, C-SPAN, BBC-TV, Al Jazeera, and Russian (until 2021), and Ukrainian national TV networks.

Currently, Dr. Cohen serves as a senior fellow at the International Tax and Investment Center and managing director of the Energy, Growth, and Security program. He also serves as a nonresident Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council. Additionally, he is a member of the prestigious Loisach Group at the George Marshall Center in Garmisch, Bavaria, Germany.

Dr. Cohen is the Founding Principal of International Market Analysis, a boutique advisory firm. The firm’s consulting practice spans many industries, including energy and natural resources, defense, finance, telecommunications, and transportation.

Dr. Cohen is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and of the American Council on Germany.

He earned his Masters and Ph.D. from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy.


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