Dan Negroni

Author, Entrepreneur, and Expert Multi-generational Speaker

Dan is a top millennial keynote speaker and the quintessential next-generation management and talent development expert solving today’s critical multi-generational workplace issues. Today, millennials represent 40% of the workforce and will grow to 75% by 2025. Millennials and Gen Z (“Digitial Natives”) will continue to change the way we run our business and sell our products and services. The “winners,” thriving and successful organizations, will be those that effectively align with the values and deliver on the expectations of Digital Native customers and employees.

  • Dan Negroni Keynote Speaker Fee Fee range is for U.S. events, depending on location and organization type

    $10,001 - $20,000

  • Languages Spoken


  • Travels From

    California, USA

  • Dan Negroni Keynote Speaker Fee Fee range is for U.S. events, depending on location and organization type

    $10,001 - $20,000

  • Languages Spoken


  • Travels From

    California, USA

Suggested Keynote Speaker Programs

Win the Millennial Race with Customers and Employees

PROBLEM: Today, there are 2.4 billion millennials, they represent 40% of the workforce and will be 75% of your employees and customers by 2025. They not only control $660 billion in spending, but $10 trillion in assets will be transferred amongst the generations over the next ...

PROBLEM: Today, there are 2.4 billion millennials, they represent 40% of the workforce and will be 75% of your employees and customers by 2025. They not only control $660 billion in spending, but $10 trillion in assets will be transferred amongst the generations over the next nine years.

Don’t be left behind. In order to survive and thrive with the next generation, companies will need to understand the dramatic shift taking place in the workplace and the marketplace.

What is your company doing to stay relevant, connect and drive engagement with the next generation of employees and customers?

SOLUTION: As a successful CEO, entrepreneur, master coach and millennial guru, Dan Negroni has trained, coached and mentored over 12, 000 millennials and Gen Zs. He has a deep understanding of their attitudes, needs and expectations and has developed a framework to help companies bridge the gap and win with the next generation of customers and employees. His provocative, inspiring and empowering presentation delivers practical tips and tools that can be used immediately to help your organization connect and engage with the next generation.

TAKEAWAYS: With valuable insights and a great sense of humor, your audience will experience “aha moments” as Dan shares:

  • The key trends and statistics that define the millennial and Gen Z generations (Digital Natives)
  • What Digital Natives expect and value from their job and employers
  • A 6-step framework to bridge the generational gap
  • Best practices for attracting, hiring and managing Digital Natives
  • The 3 biggest mistakes managers make with next gen employees
  • What the most innovative companies are doing to engage their Digital Natives
  • How to build a culture that brings together youth and experience

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Creating Rock Star Next Gen Employees from Day One

PROBLEM: Today’s millennial and Gen Z generations (Digital Natives) grew up differently than past generations—with “helicopter” parents who were ultra-involved, overly protective, ready to solve any problems and save the day at a moment’s notice. As a result, the ...

PROBLEM: Today’s millennial and Gen Z generations (Digital Natives) grew up differently than past generations—with “helicopter” parents who were ultra-involved, overly protective, ready to solve any problems and save the day at a moment’s notice. As a result, the majority of managers say that they lack the core qualities crucial for success at work.

Understanding how to develop and empower your millennial/Gen Z employees to become high-performing rock-stars and future leaders is critical to the growth and success of your organization.

Do your managers know how to onboard and teach your Digital Native employees the real-world, workplace skills they need to succeed? We do!

SOLUTION: Drawing from his experience training and coaching over 12,000 Digital Natives, Amazon best-selling author and Inc’s Top 100 Leadership Speaker Dan Negroni has developed a powerful
training program to close the skills gap and unleash the potential of this amazing generation.

With a focus on relationship-building and problem-solving skills, Dan shares how to create self-accountable, team-focused and high-performing employees from day one.

TAKEAWAYS: In this highly interactive and provocative keynote, Dan helps organizations & managers:

  • Understand what Digital Natives need to know and how they learn best
  • Learn the 4 steps to bridge the skills gap in relationship-building and problem-solving
  • Apply the Platinum Rule to engage and empower employees
  • Use an inside-out approach to develop the whole person
  • Learn how to be coaches and mentors to your next gen
  • Teach the art of self-feedback
  • Instill personal accountability for performance and development

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A Crisis of Disengagement: 6 steps to Increase Engagement, Performance and Retention

PROBLEM: 87% of employees worldwide are disengaged, and yet companies that have highly engaged workforces outperform their counterparts by almost a 147%. Many companies are experiencing a crisis of engagement and either aren’t aware of it or are ignoring the problem. In fact...

PROBLEM: 87% of employees worldwide are disengaged, and yet companies that have highly engaged workforces outperform their counterparts by almost a 147%. Many companies are experiencing a crisis of engagement and either aren’t aware of it or are ignoring the problem. In fact, only 23% of companies have a plan in place to engage millennials and Gen Zs.

Does your organization and managers know what to do to create real engagement in the workplace?

SOLUTION: From his extensive experience training and coaching over 12,000 millennials and Gen Zs, Dan has a deep understanding of what employees need and expect in the workplace to drive engagement. His work with hundreds of companies has confirmed that current and past generations are more alike than different. Why? Because we are all humans and are intrinsically motivated in the same ways.

Dan has developed an inside out approach and 6-step framework that helps organizations transform their culture and workforce from  disengaged to engaged. Using practical relationship-based techniques and tools, Dan will help you uncover what areas your organization needs to focus on and how to begin the journey to increased engagement, performance and retention.

TAKEAWAYS: In this interactive and empowering keynote, you’ll learn:

  • What the heck is engagement? An understanding of the disengagement crisis and why we should care
  • A 6-step framework for transforming your culture and increasing engagement
  • The 3 components of an engaged culture:
    – Self: Personal Growth, Health & Wellness
    – Others: Communication, Connection, Contribution
    – System: Workspace, Roles, Managers, Guiding/Coaching
  • How to sustain employee engagement and retain your top talent

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Build a Kick-ass Next Gen Sales Team

PROBLEM: Salespeople are the lifeblood of any successful business. Yet most companies will tell you that their biggest challenge is finding, hiring and motivating great salespeople, especially millennials and Gen Zs. Having a process and system in place for attracting, ...

PROBLEM: Salespeople are the lifeblood of any successful business. Yet most companies will tell you that their biggest challenge is finding, hiring and motivating great salespeople, especially millennials and Gen Zs.

Having a process and system in place for attracting, developing and retaining killer salespeople is the key to taking your business to the next level.

What is your organization doing to build its next generation of salespeople?

SOLUTION: As a highly successful CEO, entrepreneur and senior sales executive, Dan has a systematic process for training quota-busting sales teams. Applying lessons from his experience coaching CEOs, top earning service providers and over 12,000 millennial and Gen Zs, Dan has taken the classic relationship-based selling techniques, tools and process and reinvented them to address the needs and
expectations of your next gen employees and customers.

TAKEAWAYS: In this no-holds-barred keynote, Dan delivers practical skills and tools that will have an immediate impact on your bottom line. You’ll learn how to:

  • Redefine Sales for the Next Generation – Why Relationships Rule
  • Attract and Hire Your Next Gen Sales Talent
  • Why the “How” we sell is more important than the CRM and calls
  • Salespeople’s Mission: Understanding their Value and Focus
  • Train Killer Salespeople:
    – Other-Focused Selling – How to apply “you” to your client!
    – How to Create Value in 30 seconds or less
    – The Power of the Question
    – Start with the “Stories” end with “Stories”
    – Mastering the Ask
  • Retain Your Sales Powerhouses
    – How to Coach individually and in groups
    – Creating a contribution focus

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What Will the Workplace of the Future Look Like?

PROBLEM: By 2025, 75% of the workforce will be millennials and Gen Zs. The attitudes, habits and expectations of this new generation is already having a profound impact on corporate cultures. How work gets done, by whom and where are all changing at an unprecedented rate. ...

PROBLEM: By 2025, 75% of the workforce will be millennials and Gen Zs. The attitudes, habits and expectations of this new generation is already having a profound impact on corporate cultures. How work gets done, by whom and where are all changing at an unprecedented rate. Companies that want to attract and retain the best talent will need to not only adapt to these changes, but embrace them.

What is your business doing to create a workplace that attracts, engages and retains the next generation of employees? What does your corporate culture need to look like? And, how can you up your game to be the employer of choice?

SOLUTION: Having trained and coached over 12,000 diverse millennials and Gen Zs, Dan understands what they want and expect from their managers and their employers. During this provocative and insightful presentation, Dan shares the secrets to what your future employees want and what cutting-edge companies are doing to win with next gen employees. From flexibility to collaboration to continuous learning, he also provides a checklist for the future workplace and helps you create a plan of action for your organization.

TAKEAWAYS: This keynote presentation will help your organization:

  • Learn what millennials and other employees want and expect from their workplace
  • Uncover best practices from the most innovative next gen companies:
    – Collaboration
    – Diversity and Inclusivity
    – Flexibility
    – Tools and Tech
    – Purpose and Transparency
    – Wellness
    – Growth and Development
  • Apply these lessons to your organization
  • Reimagine your future workplace

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The Secrets to Success: Other-focused Leaders

PROBLEM: In our global, networked, matrixed, dotted-lined, hyper changing world, a real leader must be many things. Truly “real badass” leaders are those that care about helping others more than helping themselves. Unlike self-focused leaders, other-focused leaders seek to...

PROBLEM: In our global, networked, matrixed, dotted-lined, hyper changing world, a real leader must be many things. Truly “real badass” leaders are those that care about helping others more than helping themselves. Unlike self-focused leaders, other-focused leaders seek to understand and make connections, encourage and empower their people, deliver value and make an impact on others Creating other-focused leaders will single handedly change your workplace, your business and your life.

What is your business doing to develop other-focused leaders and employees?

SOLUTION: As a high-growth CEO, entrepreneur and consultant to some of the world’s leading companies, Dan has witnessed first-hand the impact and results of self-focused leaders vs. otherfocused leaders. As a master coach, he has helped hundreds of CEOs and senior executives learn how to build authentic relationships, inspire and enable others, create shared purpose, and get better results. In this life changing keynote, Dan shares the 6 steps to mastering other-focused leadership, the real secret to bringing out the best in everyone.

TAKEAWAYS: This presentation will help you win at work and life by making it about others.

You’ll learn:

  • What is other-focused leadership?
  • Why other-focused leadership works: The science behind it
  • Best practices from today’s most inspiring other-focused leaders
  • 6 steps to be the best other-focused leader
  • How to build a culture and workplace that truly makes it about others

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About Keynote Speaker Dan Negroni

Dan is the quintessential next-generation management and talent development expert solving today’s critical multi-generational workplace issues. Today, millennials represent 40% of the workforce and will grow to 75% by 2025. Millennials and Gen Z (“Digitial Natives”) will continue to change the way we run our business and sell our products and services. The “winners,” thriving and successful organizations, will be those that effectively align with the values and deliver on the expectations of Digital Native customers and employees.

Dan helps companies bridge the gap between managers and their millennial workforce and create winning “next gen” workplaces to increase employee relationship-based skills, engagement, productivity and profits.

1. ENTREPRENEUR & CEO – After a successful 30+ year career as a successful CEO, Georgetown educated attorney, senior sales and marketing executive, and entrepreneur, Dan founded, launchbox, a revolutionary company that has helped hundreds of organizations and over 12,000 Digital Natives to bridge the generational gap and unleash the creativity and potential of a connected, integrated culture. His relationship-based approach to leadership and sales has helped him personally grow companies by over a billion dollars cumulatively and has helped his clients’ businesses grow exponentially more.

2. AUTHOR – Dan is an Amazon best-selling author of Chasing Relevance: 6 Steps to Understand, Engage and Maximize Next Generation Leaders in the Workplace, which provides a powerful framework for helping organizations attract, train, engage and retain their next generation of leaders. Companies, leaders, parents and millennials alike have been impacted by the actionable tools, strategies and insights on how to leverage strengths and build powerful relationships.

3. MILLENNIAL EXPERT – Dan is driven by an innate need to help people show up and perform at their best, especially our next generation of leaders. He does not just talk about generational problems, he provides a “real solution” to solve the disconnect. Through extensive research and his experiential lab at launchbox, he has trained, coached and mentored over 12,000 Digital Natives and has a deep understanding of their attitudes, behaviors, values, and expectations. Dan is frequently interviewed by the press, media, and podcasts for his views on the next generation and the chasm between older generations and millennials in the workplace.

4. KEYNOTE SPEAKER – Dan was selected as Inc.’s Top 100 Leadership Speakers of 2018 and is a regular keynote presenter on millennials and Gen Z, bridging the gap, relationship-based leadership and sales, and the next generation workplace. Dan leverages his authentic, no-nonsense approach to deliver provocative, inspiring and practical keynotes and workshops. His presentations are hypercustomized to deliver the biggest impact for each and every client.

5. HEALTH AND FITNESS NUT – After surviving cancer at age 27, Dan became an avid health and fitness nut, running, biking, swimming, practicing yoga and doing anything else he can to stay connected to youth, vibrancy and most of all the “art of the possible.” He regularly participates in races, competitions, and experience-based exercise for charities including The Challenged Athletes Foundation, Spartan Races, Ragnar Relay, and Swim 24. He has also been fortunate enough to train with Navy Seals and Special Forces through his coaching with The Honor Foundation. Want to work out with him when he visits for your keynote? He’s in.

6. MASTER COACH & SALES TRAINER – Dan is the consummate “speed” and impact keynoter, coach, and consultant. He blends the speed and acuity of his raw, direct New York attitude with the helpful, empowering approach of a transplanted Californian. Unlike other coaches, he gets you, the problem, and the solution instantaneously. He has your back, helps you get where you want to go, and teaches you how to coach yourself to sustain forward action. His relationship-based system helps people and companies win the job, promotion, team project, sale or business immediately.

Dan measures his success solely by the value and impact he delivers to individuals and companies. He is described as “totally awesome, great insightm actionable feedback, delivering value by the minute and just great to be around.”


Dan has incredible energy and it’s contagious. It was truly one of the most motivating and thought-provoking presentations that I’ve heard.

Chris Marsh

Managing Director, UBS

Dan’s presentation isn’t just talk. He gave us real, actionable tools and strategies for engaging our
millennial workforce and developing next generation leaders.

Randi Rosen

Principal, KPMG

Dan’s direct, bold and provocative style is unmatched. He gets everyone to engage and lean in, right
from the beginning. One of the best presentations I’ve heard in a long time.

Lacey Stenson

Stanford Graduate School of Business

Over the past few years we have invited and heard from speakers on the topic of the multi-generational
workplace. The CEOs and Key Executives who “endured” these presentations found little value. And
then we met Dan Negroni.

Dan does not wallow in the four-generation workforce but laser focuses his work on understanding,
attracting, managing, coaching and retaining the Millennials. This generation is the largest segment of
the U.S. population and they represent not only the new workforce but also customers.

Dan delivers a highly interactive and challenging workshop. You leave with immediate actionable
techniques that will improve your company and your culture.

Jim Tenuto

Owner, Renaissance Executive Forums San Diego


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