Why Work With BigSpeak Speakers Bureau

  • BigSpeak Speakers Bureau Works with the Best. We represent the world’s top keynote, business and motivational speakers, including such luminaries as Magic Johnson and Steve Wozniak. Our team also includes top management gurus like Ken Blanchard (The One Minute Manager), Peter Senge (The Fifth Discipline) and Gary Hamel (The Future of Mangement). BigSpeak continuously screens the marketplace for the best and brightest new speakers so that we bring you only top performing experts.
  • BigSpeak Has a Distinctive Focus. Through our BigSpeak Consulting programs, we focus on the corporate world’s needs by specializing in the areas of leadership, organizational transformation, change management, and the creation of high-performance teams and high satisfaction work environments. Dozens of our experts have graced the pages of Fortune, Forbes and Fast Company magazines. BigSpeak provides experts who will dramatically improve the way you do business and bring about lasting change for your organization.
  • BigSpeak Gets You The Speaker. We have the tools, experience, partnerships and networking capabilities to get you almost any speaker, whether a celebrity, CEO or bestselling author.
  • BigSpeak Finds the Right Speaker for You. Our unique process ensures we’ll find the right speaker for your event. Our team will listen carefully to your needs, research availability, and work cooperatively to identify the right speaker for you. We have speakers for every budget and can even assist you in creative ways to find funding.
  • BigSpeak Handles the Details, Saving You Time and Energy. We attend to the logistical details of your event to make your life easier. BigSpeak’s speaking professionals are with you every step of the way, from inception and theme development to contracting and event review. We know you are busy—let us handle the details.
  • BigSpeak Backs You Up. We handle any emergencies that may arise. If a speaker cannot show up, we provide an equal or better speaker for your group.
  • BigSpeak Is FREE To You. Our speakers bureau services cost you nothing because we are compensated by our speakers. Our speakers are glad to pass the contractual, logistical and marketing work to us so they can concentrate on performing for you.
  • BigSpeak Goes Beyond the Keynote Speaker to lock in the learning for your team—long term. Many other agencies only book speakers for a one-hour keynote, while BigSpeak can connect you with the world’s top trainers, coaches, and consultants and can work with you to develop a custom-tailored program to go deeper and truly transform your company.

Why work with a speakers bureau?