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Sep 29, 2021

The Top 20 Leadership Speakers of 2021

...motivational and leadership keynote speaker. One of the highest-rated female speakers in the world, she presents over 100 times a year, her insight-packed keynotes leaving people invigorated and primed for collaboration. Customer loyalty and leadership speaker Ken Schmidt is the former Director of Communication at Harley-Davidson. An expert at creating loyal and vocal customer bases and developing inspiring leaders, he has partnered with many of the world’s biggest and most successful brands. Bill Benjamin is a top thought leader on leadership and peak performance who regularly works with senior leaders and their teams at Fortune 500 organizations to show them...


Jan 19, 2022

6 Ideas That Are Changing the Future of Work

...more innovation, more engaged employees, and increased market share. If you want to future-proof your organization, you will need to focus on diversifying your employees so you can diversify your market share.   2) Emotional Intelligence As machines and computers take over our more repetitive tasks, work will become more about getting along with people and using our emotional intelligence. While the focus on emotional intelligence has been around since the 1990s, it’s more important now than ever. Leadership and emotional intelligence experts Dr. J.P. Pawliw-Fry and Bill Benjamin point at emotional intelligence as the key to good leadership and...


Jul 6, 2022

4 Business Leadership Skills That Matter the Most

...of the top Fortune 500 companies.   4) Empathy Finally, business leaders must practice empathy to build better relationships, what the authors of the article call “theory of mind.” Business leaders are expected to be able to infer how their employees, colleagues, and clients think and feel in order to build trust and understanding. If you would like your team to learn more about empathy, consider Dr. J.P. Pawliw-Fry , a top emotional intelligence keynote speaker and co-author of the New York Times bestseller, Performing Under Pressure . Or emotional intelligence expert Bill Benjamin , a thought leader on the...


Aug 26, 2022

Top 10 Emotional Intelligence Speakers to Increase Wellbeing, Happiness, and Work Performance

...speaker and bestselling author Bill Benjamin helps senior leaders and their staff reach their full potential. His practical and scientific approach to how work coupled with a high energy level make him a success with audiences from engineers to U.S. Marines and marketers. Sunny Grosso is on a mission to deliver happiness through her customized keynote presentations. A coach and emotional intelligence speaker, she is one of the world’s first ever happiness consultants, and has worked with teams around the world, sharing her uniquely sunny presentations. Emotional intelligence speaker and thought leader JP Pawliw-Fry is also a bestselling author and...


Sep 26, 2022

Top Change Management Keynote Speakers for Turbulent Times

...Global, she arms individuals to harness the power of emotion to embrace and accelerate change. Bill Benjamin is an emotional intelligence and change management speaker specializing in leadership and peak performance. With a brain science based approach to learning to perform under pressure and embrace empathy, he works frequently with senior leaders at Fortune 500 companies. Lisa Bodell knows that winning innovators embrace change. An award winning change management keynote speaker, author, and entrepreneur, she is often called upon by global companies to help them eradicate workplace complexity that is killing their ability to innovate and adapt. Top change management...


Aug 20, 2024

10 EI Speakers Creating Enlightened Leaders

...two dozen scientific awards, he has pioneered a new perspective on empathy as a learnable skill that is the key for creating a thriving workplace in a fractured world. An active contributor to major media publications and a frequent keynote speaker, he has worked with everyone from middle schoolers to government officials Emotional intelligence speaker, author and thought-leader Tara Renze is a frequent keynoter and workshop host on a mission to unleash purpose and build sustainable happiness for her clients. A former top national sales leader, she applies her experience into insights on empowerment and success for audiences. Bill Benjamin...



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