Updated Keynote! Build A High-Performance, Last 8% Culture


Ready to turbocharge your team’s performance? JP Pawliw-Fry and Bill Benjamin‘s groundbreaking keynote unveils game-changing revelations from their research on 7,500 trailblazing leaders. Propel your team to untapped heights by mastering those vital moments that shape success. Don’t miss this opportunity to rev up your team’s agility, embrace an ever-evolving landscape, and achieve results driven by purpose.



You need to move fast, adapt to a changing environment, and deliver performance, yet your team is moving too slow when it comes to making tough decisions and are avoiding the more challenging conversations that drive results.

What is at the heart of high performance is culture. Unfortunately, most leaders misunderstand culture; they believe culture exists across the organization; it doesn’t. It exists primarily on teams. Second, they see culture as something that should be owned by the CEO and CHRO, believing it is their job to build the culture across the organization; it isn’t. Most CEO’s and CHRO’s get so overwhelmed when they think of tackling culture, that they avoid it and allow culture to be built haphazardly, which means that good people leave, and goals are not met.

In this powerful virtual or live keynote, your team will learn the results from our study of 7,500 leaders that puts your managers and people leaders at the center of building your culture. Your people will learn specific tools to own the culture on their team in the critical moments, the Last 8%, that creates culture. The Last 8% are those tougher conversations and decisions that many people struggle with and avoid. When leaders feel agency and have skills to lean into the difficult, they build a high-performance culture that becomes a powerful force in your organization.


In this powerful program, your team will learn:

  • What the two pillars of a high performing culture are: High Connection (psychological safety) and High Courage (ability to do hard things skillfully)
  • How to build the culture on their team with our proprietary approach of Model & Own
  • Specific tools to connect and coach their people to be their best in Last 8% Situations
  • How to influence & engage others who are at a distance and create the conditions to keep the best
    and brightest


“Best keynote presentation I have been to in years! Very different than the usual: extremely interesting and powerful – yet highly entertaining. It is not often I hear someone who can really ‘put it together’.”Ernst & Young

Book JP Pawliw-Fry or Bill Benjamin today! Email info@bigspeak.com to get started.