The great management guru, Peter Drucker defined the job of Manager as, “Aligning yourself with people of integrity, preparing them to perform better and giving them the freedom to do so.” He also believed managers should simplify all processes, manage by objectives and make a company’s primary responsibility to serve the customer. Whether your organization falls into alignment with these principles, or leans toward Drucker’s other assessment that, “Most of what we call management consists of making it difficult for people to get their work done,” BigSpeak’s Speakers Bureau has a roster of top keynote speakers, both women speakers, private speakers and public speakers who are management speakers and consultants that can turn your team around. As authorities (and authors) on seminal works like Built to Last, Good to Great, and The One Minute Manager, our management speakers and consultants will help identify your priorities, align your strategies and make sure you’re doing the right things right.
“Management is doing things right. Leadership is doing the right things.”
Peter Drucker