What’s the difference between a Boomer and a Millennial? What motivates a Generation X versus a Generation Y employee? The answers could cost you big in terms of ineffective communication and even conflict within your own workforce. One of the hottest topics among BigSpeak Speakers Bureau clients involves the multigenerational organization? the evershifting, diversified employee demographic and its implications for workplace dynamics (not to mention productivity). BigSpeak’s Intergenerational Issues Keynote Speakers and MultiGenerational Workplace Experts have studied the characteristics of these demographic/generational shifts and their respective populations, analyzing how they work, how they view their work, how they interact, intersect, relate and communicate (and what to do when they don’t).
“This next generation is going to do exciting things. We just need to help them, and at the appropriate time, get out of their way.”
Douglas Conant, Former CEO, Campbell’s Soup Co.