Geopolitics Keynote Speakers

In today’s competitive and volatile marketplace, geopolitical knowledge is increasingly vital to corporate success. That’s where BigSpeak Speakers Bureau Geopolitics experts and speakers come in. Geopolitical keynote speakers are top thought leaders on global political and financial issues. To keep your company at the forefront of the ever-changing global economy, take note of the predictions, trends, and analysis from the world’s leading geopolitics experts. If you’d like to empower your team with knowledge and experience from the best keynote speakers in Geopolitics, contact BigSpeak Speakers Bureau for guaranteed results.

Let Us Help You

Mehrsa Baradaran

Law Professor and author, Northwestern Law School, UCI Law School, UGA Law School; Appointed to two Presidential Transition Teams

Kay Firth-Butterfield

CEO, Good Tech Advisory, former Head of AI at the World Economic Forum and world’s first Chief AI Ethics Officer, Recipient of TIME 100 Impact Award: On Harnessing Responsible AI

Saleem Ali

Distinguished Professor of Energy and the Environment, University of Delaware; National Geographic Explorer; World Economic Forum " Young Global Leader"; Member of the United Nations International Resource Panel, Weekly Forbes Columnist

Jonathan Brill

Business Futurist, AI Inventor, HP Global Futurist, Author, Architect Your Future® with Forbes’ #1 futurist and HBR's “foremost transformation architect”

Glen Weyl

Founder of Microsoft Research’s Special Project the Plural Technology Collaboratory, RadicalxChange and the Plurality Institute

Dr. Ariel Cohen

Geopolitical Expert, Managing Director of Energy, Growth, and Security Program at the International Tax and Investment Center, Nonresident Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council, Founder of International Market Analysis

Ivo H. Daalder

President of the Chicago Council of Foreign Affairs, Former U.S. Ambassador to NATO (2009-2013)

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