Five Tips From The Top Technology Keynote Speakers 

Technology is rapidly changing the workplace. From generative AI to cloud computing to robotics, companies need to adapt. Businesses face questions of where to invest their time, money, and resources in order to stay ahead of the curve.

If you’re looking to adapt to the changing technological landscape, BigSpeak Speakers Bureau works with the Top Technology Speakers in the industry. These speakers are experts in the future of work, robotics, artificial intelligence, virtual assistants, and more.

Here are a few ideas on how to stay ahead.

1) Optimize for human qualities.

According to Zack Kass, the former Head of GTM for OpenAI, the best way for humans to stay relevant in business is to optimize for human qualities. In the future, the most important human qualities for work will be empathy, vision, courage, wisdom, and curiosity.

2) The meaning of work and jobs is changing as we adapt to new technology.

According to Tan Le, the founder and CEO of EMOTIV, new technologies are having a disruptive effect on business culture. Businesses will have to adapt as technology changes not only the type of work we do but also how and where we do our work.

3) Virtual assistants are changing how businesses interact with customers.

According to Adam Cheyer, the co-founder of Siri, virtual assistants are changing our lives. You can see the changes everywhere, from businesses using AI to assist customer service transactions online to ordering food at drive-throughs to using hands-free devices at home or in the car.

4) You need to be ever vigilant against cyber security threats.

According to Eric O’Neill, a cybersecurity expert and inspiration for the movie Breach, human beings will always be the weakest link in your cyber security chain. While Generative AI is making it easier for people to do social engineering, businesses need to invest more in human training to prevent cyber threats.

5) Design your products and services to be remarkable.

According to Guy Kawasaki, a top innovation keynote speaker and chief evangelist of Canva, to be successful, companies need to provide a “remarkable” product or service that can’t be found anywhere else. Think of remarkable products like the iPod or services like Netflix. When they came to market, there was nothing like them.

If you would like more tips on technology in business, contact BigSpeak Speakers Bureau to book a Top Technology Keynote Speaker for your next event or conference.

For more on technology, read:

Top 10 Technology Keynote Speakers of the Year

Top Technology Keynote Topics