Multipliers Workshop: How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter

Get more done with fewer resources, develop talent, and cultivate new ideas to drive change and innovation.

  • Duration
    1/2 day to 2 days
  • Target Audience
    Leaders and Teams


In this highly engaging workshop your team will develop a deep understanding of the research behind Multipliers and
illustrate the resoundingly positive and profitable effect these Multipliers have on organizations—how they get more done
with fewer resources, develop and attract talent, and cultivate new ideas and energy to drive organizational change and
innovation. Your team will gain a solid understanding of the five disciplines that distinguish Multipliers from Diminishers and
develop skills for leading like a Multiplier.


Skill 1: Asking questions that spark innovation and intelligence
Skill 2: Creating debate that drives the best decisions
Skill 3: Identifying and utilizing genius in others
Skill 4: Creating space for others to think and contribute
Skill 5: Transferring ownership and accountability for results
Skill 6: Generating learning from mistakes

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Other Possible Workshop Takeaways

-An overview of the Multiplier
-Individualized feedback on how effectively they are operating as a Multiplier
-The 6 skills listed above
-Aggregated report for the whole group
-Becoming a Multiplier
-30-day team action plan


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