Build Ethics into Your Business Strategy to Feel Good About What You Do

Doing the right thing doesn’t just feel good (though that should be reason enough in many cases); it literally pays off. BigSpeak’s EVP Ken Sterling is heavily invested in the ethics of business, advising both our and other organizations on building strong, above-table cultures that can give them the edge over their competitors.

In a recent Forbes article, Sterling shares his simple framework for those seeking to incorporate ethics into their business:

  1. Start with leadership. An ethical leader is necessary to create an ethical company.
  2. Establish clear guidelines. Align core values with your new strategy, and include employee input.
  3. Prioritize ethics. For this process to work, ethics can;t be an afterthought.

Ethical operations reduce the risk of legal issues and see lower employee turnover. They’re also more likely to enjoy the support of investors and customers So what are you waiting for? Explore Ken’s full insights in the original article here.