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Founder and CEO of Seiler Tucker Incorporated, Author, Branding Expert
Michelle Seiler Tucker Keynote Speaker Fee Fee range is for U.S. events, depending on location and organization type
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Michelle Seiler Tucker Keynote Speaker Fee Fee range is for U.S. events, depending on location and organization type
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Michelle is the Founder and CEO of Seiler Tucker Incorporated. Michelle has sold hundreds of businesses to date and currently owns and operates several successful businesses. Michelle Seiler Tucker holds the following professional designations and certifications: The Merger & Acquisition Master Intermediary (M&AMI), Certified Senior Business Analyst (CSBA), Certified Business Broker (CBB), Best-Selling Author, and Panelist for M&A Source.
Michelle Seiler Tucker is the leading authority on buying, selling, and improving businesses, as well as increasing a business’ revenue streams. Over the past decade, Michelle has sold several hundred businesses and franchises. She continues to help buyers from all walks of life buy the American Dream, create financial freedom, be their own boss, and obtain a better quality of life.
What makes Michelle a formidable force in her industry is that she closes 98 percent of all offers she writes and, on average, obtains a 20 to 40 percent higher selling price for her clients! Her remarkable track record proves her dedication and persistence. Michelle makes sure the job gets done the right way and the profitable way. Her numbers are impressive, but it is her ability to create win-win situations for her buyers and sellers that guarantees her continued success. Michelle’s mission is to always deliver more than is expected and to increase the odds of more businesses selling for the seller’s desired sell price. She sees opportunity where many are discouraged or have given up by identifying and correcting the top mistakes business owners make. Michelle will fine-tune a business into a “well-oiled machine” with the primary objective to sell it for the ultimate value. Through this process, she empowers her clients to afford the lifestyles they have always dreamed of and (most importantly) have always deserved!
In addition, Michelle is the award-winning and best-selling author of Sell Your Business for More Than It’s Worth. This book details how to enhance the value of a business in order to obtain its optimal selling price. Michelle has received rave reviews from her esteemed colleagues: Bret Michaels (musician, Celebrity Apprentice winner), James M. Lafferty (CEO the Coca Cola Company), Dr. John Gray (New York Times Best Selling Author), Raymond Aaron (New York Times Best Selling Author), and Steven Bradbury (Gold Medal Olympian). In her second bestseller, Think and Grow Rich Today, Michelle details the importance of an entrepreneur’s mindset as it relates to business in order to achieve success.
Michelle is passionate about sharing her considerable knowledge and experience with others through her mentoring, training, and partnering programs. These programs have helped many individuals become successful M&A Advisor/Brokers. Michelle has also spoken alongside other prominent speakers: Eric Trump, Kathy Ireland, Mayor Rudy Giuliani, Stedman Graham and more. She makes regular radio and TV appearances including interviews on Fox Business News, Forbes, CNBC, and is featured in INC and USA Magazines.